Thursday, July 28, 2011

Good News / Bad News

Bad news first: I can't move into our apartment yet. I called to confirm my appointment with the lease lady and found out that they won't/can't give me a key until both Daniel and I sign... which means I can't move in till next weekend. More Adulthood. Joy.

Good news, therefore, is that I get to chill with Alison longer! (Otherwise I would have only been here one day, which would have been sad and lame.) She is very graciously sharing her apartment with me. We made tasty food. And watched the premier of Project Runway. 

And also I finished my school training (this week's session, anyway). And it was great. But I will write about it tomorrow, because I am tired now. (But GOOD NEWS, I get to sleep in tomorrow!! Yay!)

So I will go to bed now, and you can hear about Capturing Kids' Hearts tomorrow. =)

One week till I get my husband back! Woo!


Monday, July 25, 2011

Here I am!

I, Rebekah Schulz-Jackson, have officially moved to Liberal, Kansas.

After spending last night at my parents' house in Kansas City, I drove out west for good today. It was strange when I realized that I'm not going back to Minnesota. Like for a really long time. And then even when I do, I'm coming back "home", which will mean here, with the cows and the corn and the wheat.

It is strange.

But it is also good, I think. Tomorrow I get to sign my first-ever lease on our apartment/townhouse here. I am SO excited to have our first place! (And I will be even more excited when the rest of our stuff, and far more importantly my husband, arrives too!) We've been sort of "playing house" (or that's what it feels like, anyway) since we got married, and it will be awesome to get to set everything up just how we like it from the ground up.

I'm also really excited and nervous to start to meet some of my school colleagues. Tomorrow I have my first day of training for school. It's for a program called Capturing Kids' Hearts -- and that's our discipline program at my school. Isn't that great?!?!?! Basically the point is that if you can capture kids' hearts, then their brains come along. The focus is on forming strong connections and relationships with the kids in order to facilitate better and deeper learning and behavior. SO HAPPY. (FYI, this is one of the reasons I loved this school enough to drag us across the country! Well, and let's be real... jobs are good. But this is also a good job.)

Anyway. I'm starting to put some toes in, and I'm excited. So I am telling you about it on this blog that I have just made up.

Arrival: Check.
Day One on the Prairie: On Deck.
