Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Face Hurts

Rough day at school today. I have one class with which I was just struggling today (though this definitely isn't the first time). It did not go well. Now, in my "defense", this is a particularly un-helpful mix of students -- a lot of borderline distractable folks, so once one goes down a rabbit-trail they sort of all go along -- but I've gotta say, when you get evaluations from your students telling you to take control of your class, it's not a good day. And something needs to be done.

So please just be praying for me this week (slash indefinitely...) that I can really be firm in my holding all my kids to a high behavioral standard. I just need to remember that letting them get out of hand teaches them bad habits for their future, so it DOES matter if I let something slide just this once because the bell is about to ring or whatever.

Anyways. Hope you all are well... just wanted to publicly state my struggle and intentions. Witnesses, you know.


1 comment:

  1. It's like a lot of life - a never ending journey of learning. Thanks for being honest! Will pray for a Godly authority to discipline and teach.
