Tuesday, January 24, 2012

DSJ: Web Presence Developer

I've recently started doing what I call "web presence development" for Connected Families, the ministry my parents started and work for. I call it "web presence development" because it's not as graphically focused as "web design" and not as technical as what you'd call "web development". I'm meticulously designing the elements of the web-presence, not a specific website's code. I inadvertently got prepared for this work by, among other things, setting up websites for my photography business. (JacksonArtsBlog.com, JacksonArtsPhoto.com)

Being the Web Presence Developer for CF is very gratifying for me for a number of reasons. Since my Peru trip in 2009, I have been interested in using the web to help people live better. My original vision for this was, to say the least, grandiose. A global network at least as feature-rich as Facebook but geared toward grassroots learning and action... it would bring connectivity to everything from the World Health Organization to universities to neighborhood Bible studies. Some time went by and, not surprisingly, I did not bring my grand vision to existence. There's more to that story, but what's nifty now is that on a MUCH smaller scale, I'm able to start doing that kind of work for Connected Families.

Ranging from training social workers to teaching Christian parenting classes to occasionally leading a family missions trip, Connected Families has a host of initiatives that might be greatly furthered by leveraging existing social sites (Facebook, twitter...) and creating new ones (DisciplineThatConnects.org/net). My original vision from 2009 was grandiose, but the underlying principle remains in my CF work -- do things that might have widespread positive impact on people's lives. The potential for widespreadness has always important to me, both from a personality standpoint, and a theological one: with the "feed my sheep" command comes the fact that there are many sheep, and they ALL matter to God.

In addition to the alignment of this work with ethical passions of mine, is the fact that it fits well with my skills and enjoyments. I'm a nerd, so I like the technical side. I have been / am a photographer, so I like the visual side. I'm a people-person, so I like the social-media side, as well as the group-collaboration side. Frankly, this is easily the most satisfied I have been in my work since my Peru journeys.

My work for them is fairly young, and much of it is still in design/concept phase. Not much has been implemented yet in the way of social networking; right now the only finished product is a fairly standard, albeit somewhat shiny, website. ConnectedFamilies.com

Although what's implemented so far is fairly basic, what's currently in the works is pretty exciting. I won't go into details (for professional confidentiality purposes... ha! I feel so grown up!) but I'll be excited to share more about developments as they arise.

Thanks for checking in, (sorry for not writing in so long!)


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