Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Short List of Things

First -- Sometimes blogging is weird. Why? Because it's sort of like a journal... but anyone who finds the website can read it. That's weird.

Second -- Funny story from school today. So my kids are writing stories (about whatever they want), and one is writing "West Middle School from a rat's perspective". He got to where he had finished his plot outline and was starting his rough draft, and his start was that his "owner" took him (as the rat) to school and it was horrible. So I told him, "Why don't you put in some more description of WHY it was terrible? Like they pull your tail or pet you or something and it stinks." His eyes lit up -- "Oh! Yeah, I can put how they pull me out of the cage and pull my tail and touch me all weird..." SO FUNNY. I couldn't resist, so I said, "Just be careful to be very specific and precise when you describe that part..." And then he realized what he said and just started laughing. Like crying laughing. HILARIOUS. ilovemykids.

Third -- GOOGLE PHONES! Don't worry, you can still call us at our regular phone numbers, but the cool news for us is that now our phone bill will be wayyyyyy cheaper! We're transitioning at the moment, so if things are funny that's why, but we're super excited to have a nicer phone bill and still keep our numbers. =)

Fourth -- My Committed CD came in the mail today!!!!! In case you haven't heard about my latest music love, click this link and prepare to be AMAZED.  They were on the TV show "The Sing Off" this past season, and I just fell in love with their amazing voices and their commitment to God and to each other. They are truly amazing musicians, and it seems like they have the hearts to back it up as well. I highly suggest you check them out if you have any liking for a cappella music. They rock!

Fifth -- I'm gonna go write a lesson plan for a figurative language jigsaw activity now. (If you know what that means, then you must be a teacher!)



EDITED to add that if you're interested, you can preview Committed's new album here!

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