Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Busy Busy Busy!

Busiest week ever! (Except not really, because I bet there will be lots more coming.) I really feel like I've been lesson planning my face off (and grading other things off...) lately. Bad news is that I'm a leeetle short-slept. Good news is that our review "centers" (or stations, as I usually call them) went well for the most part today.

More good news is that Bible study tonight was FANTASTIC. I would tell you all about it, but it's late, so for now I'll just leave you with that emphatic-but-vague descriptor until I have time (or Daniel does) to fill you in. =)  Also tonight was great because the lady on worship team with us this week has a good strong soprano voice, so the three of us (plus Scott, the lead/leader) were making some beautiful harmonies! It felt really good to sing again. =)

Goal: A *real* blog update soon... like with anecdotes and paragraphs and stuff.
Goal: Bed ON TIME tomorrow. Let's do it.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, very fun. Wish we could be there to hear you!
