Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Studiedness and Disagreement

Daniel here.

It's amazing how scholarly most people expect you to be IF you try to disagree with them.

It's funny, but I never have heard somebody with whose position I agree call me out for the insufficiency of the studying and discerning I have done to reach said position. And frankly, I don't think I have done so to others. I only call people to do more more "homework" if A) I have done more "homework" than them, and B) they disagree with me.

It's funny. How powerful are our biases and surety, and our desire that others would see our what we see, how we see it.

It's a funny dynamic, but it sure makes it be really useful to be around people who disagree with you.

Perhaps I should try and encourage even those who agree with me to do better homework, to question the things they agree with me on. It's hard, though, when those things are so near and dear to me. How could I encourage my church friends to question their belief in the Jesus I love?

I can definitely resolve, though, to stay in thorough communication with those ORNERY, LOVING people who disagree with me and tell me to do my homework better!

1 comment:

  1. Well, sir, you're challenging ME to do more homework on things we (mostly) agree on, both in words and in the (rather convicting) volume of homework you've been doing. So. Affirmation. Good job. love, B.
